In small towns across Québec, many small projects go unfinished because of lack of funding and resources. P’tit Québec saw this as an opportunity to help. “P’tits projets pas si P’tits” is an initiative which envisions empowering communities one stop at a time. The small tasks we complete give the community better spaces to come together, making for a big impact.

2022: Sainte-Aurélie

I'm very grateful for your commitment. It's very special to do all these things to our small village.

René Allen

Mayor of Sainte-Aurélie

The deck on the lake, the community garden, the library, the grocery store, it means a lot! I can only say Thank you P'tit Québec, it's a lot for us.

René Allen

Mayor of Sainte-Aurélie

It's a really good team and automatically it just creates a nice bond. Everyone is happy today, it's a beautiful summer day in Sainte-Aurélie!

Stéphane Hétu

Director General of the Sainte-Aurélie municipality for 6 years

You might think small jobs are no big deal, but for this place, it's really major.

Stéphane Hétu

Director General of the Sainte-Aurélie municipality for 6 years

Thank you P’tit Quebec, we will remember you!

Bibiane Fortin

President of Sainte-Aurélie's The Farmer’s Circle

Check out our past projects!

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The P’tit Québec van will be back on the road in 2022 as part of this annual initiative to empower local communities across Quebec and assist a new town in need of a hand. If you liked this video and want to see more like it, let us know down below!

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